2023 IEEE Electromagetics Award recipient, Dr. John W. Bandler, OC, President, Bandler Corporation, pioneered optimization technologies for engineering modeling and design, including modeling and electromagnetic optimization of devices, circuits and systems in the radio-frequency, wireless, and microwave arenas. See Bandler’s 2023 acceptance video, Lifetime Publications, SOS Lab Reports, G-SOC Reports, The SOS Lab, Google Scholar Citations, Wikipedia, IEEE MTT-S Announcement and YouTube. Bandler pioneered Space Mapping Technology in 1993. Space mapping has since been adopted into design portfolios across the entire spectrum of engineering. It enables optimal, high-fidelity design of devices and systems at a cost of only a few high-fidelity simulations. It offers an explanation for the engineer’s traditional “feel” for a problem; it is in accord with common sense and with modern thinking in evolution, cognition, and neuroscience, and suggests the notion of cognition-driven design. John Bandler was President of Optimization Systems Associates Inc. (OSA), which he founded in 1983. Hewlett-Packard Company acquired OSA in 1997, and OSA became part of the HP EEsof Division (then Agilent Technologies, now Keysight Technologies), Santa Rosa, CA. At McMaster University Bandler founded the Simulation Optimization Systems Research Laboratory in 1983. In 2012, Bandler received the IEEE Canada McNaughton Gold Medal “For pioneering contributions to optimization technology and microwave CAD.” In 2012, he was also honored by a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. “John is an engineer, a professor, an innovator, a researcher, a writer of technical papers, and a writer of fiction and non-fiction. He has published over 500 technical papers, founded companies; he is world renowned for work in microwave theory and techniques.” Bandler was honored by the 2004 IEEE MTT-S Microwave Application Award and by the 2013 IEEE MTT-S Microwave Career Award “For a career of leadership, meritorious achievement, creativity and outstanding technical contributions in the field of microwave theory and techniques.” In 2014, Bandler received McMaster’s Faculty of Engineering Research Achievement Award. In 2016, Bandler was appointed Officer of the Order of Canada “For his scientific contributions that have helped to position Canada at the forefront of microwave engineering.” In 2018, at the OPEA Gala, Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) honored him with their Gold Medal. In 2023, Bandler received the IEEE Electromagnetics Award “For contributions to electromagnetic optimization and the modeling of high-frequency structures, circuits, and devices.” In 2023, McMaster University’s Faculty of Engineering honored him with their Exceptional Service Award. Bandler delivered a rump presentation at the 2012 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium (IMS), Montreal, July 19, 2012. See video on In 2012, he spoke at the University of Waterloo, at McMaster University, at Carleton University, at École Polytechnique de Montréal, at the University of Toronto, at Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., and at Arizona State University. In 2013, he spoke at Syracuse University, NY; at McMaster University he spoke on “From Creativity to Success via Risk and Setback: An Insider’s Perspective.” See video. At ITESO, Guadalajara, Mexico, he spoke on space mapping and on creativity. In 2014, he spoke at TEDx McMaster U; and at Cafe X. He spoke at Tianjin University, at South University of Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen, and at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He delivered keynote speeches on creativity organized in California and Florida by the IEEE MTT-S Women in Microwaves. Starting in 2015 Bandler offered workshops and contestant mentoring in presentation skills. See our 3MT page. He spoke in San Francisco, Puerto Vallarta, Honolulu, Philadelphia, and at universities in Ontario and Quebec. Watch “You, Your Slides and Your Posters: Allies or Foes?” In 2016, with Erin Kiley, he initiated the first ever Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition for the 2017 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium (IMS) open to students and young professionals. He continued co-chairing/co-organizing and coaching contestants for this competition. See our 3MT page. For playlists click 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2017: “Clear, Brief, Engaging: Your Thesis in Three Minutes,” a workshop with Ana Kovacevic. Watch “Clear, Brief, Engaging: Your Thesis in Three Minutes.” See IEEE MTT-S Webinar: “The Art of Effectively Communicating Complex, Highly Technical Work in Three Minutes,” March 28, 2017. 2018: “Clear, Brief, Engaging: Your Thesis in Three Minutes.” Watch “Clear, Brief, Engaging: Your Thesis in Three Minutes. See IEEE MTT-S Webinar: “Communicating Your Highly Technical Work to Non-Specialists in Three Short Minutes,,” March 13, 2018. For 2019 and subsequent activities related to 3MT® click here. Go to YouTube for workshops and videos relevant to presentations in general and 3MT in particular. See also Bandler’s Lifetime Publications. Go to YouTube for complete videos of That The Multitude May Live, The Trial of Naomi Verne and Christmas Eve at the Julibee Motel. Bandler’s 19-minute film The Caffeine Rabbit Hole (writer, producer, director), online July 15-25, 2021 through The Hamilton Fringe Festival, is available YouTube. [Bandler Corporation]/a> [Beth Budd Bandler] [Sybil Cohos] [John Bandler] [John Bandler on Facebook] [John Bandler 3MT]